Friday, 31 July 2015

Relaxation Through Observation

I find a great deal of relaxation from observing others. I find it extremely therapeutic, personally, to consciously enjoy coffee while watching others, studying others, and considering others. I find it is a great way to stop thinking of my own wants and needs, and ponder others. 

I think that for many people, it can feel as if their day is go-go-go and everything can quickly become about how much they can bleed out of the day. I feel that can be a stressful, close-minded approach to each day, and as a result life in general. One way I combat that is by meditating, and one form of meditation I find helps is simply watching others walk by.

Watching others is enjoyable because it's nice to join them for a glimpse of their life. I am not saying I can read minds, but based on their fashion, their gate, and their mannerisms, I feel you can get to know someone. You may not know their hopes and dreams, but at least a little bit about them. 

One aspect I am extremely intrigued in is someone's gate. Their stride, their speed, their movement, possible injuries, it is really interesting to observe and speculate hypotheticals.

In considering others, I wonder who they are, where they are going, what they like, even what kind of person they strive to be, even what they dislike. 

This is one way I relax, in the peaceful, distant observation of others.

If you are interested in trying this out yourself, here's what I would recommend.

1. Find a coffee shop with a window in a foot traffic area
2. Buy something, like coffee
3. Drink it black, healthier :p
4. Put some music in, and start relaxing.

Things to not do

1. Put a trench coat on
2. Sit at a park bench

It goes without saying, but obviously one should be mindful of how they go about observing others.

Stay happy friends

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