Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Eggs : The Netherlands Experience

Hey Fitfam,

As some of you may know, I take my eggs pretty seriously. In my current staple diet, I eat 24 eggs a day (Mon-Fri, weekends at least 12). I have cooked them all different ways, tried all different types, and seasoned them all different styles for variety in my diet. Overall, I would say I am someone pretty versed in all things eggs.

Until The Netherlands

I am staying with my friend while in The Netherlands, and shortly after arriving to his house I experienced something new. His eggs sit on his countertop. He explained that eggs did not need to be refrigerated, and after convincing me, I decided to cook these eggs. Initially, I was not going to, but as they say, "when in Rome, do as the romans do." So, I cooked the eggs, and have lived to boil again another day.

It is interesting because they even sell them like this at the grocery store.

Eggs in Aisle 3

There are many different things I am experiencing as far as health and fitness goes here, but this is something quick and easy to share with you guys.

Just think about all the space I am going to have in my refrigerator now.

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